We Listened to The Inspiring Speech of 2023-2024 Academic Year Fall Term from Dr. Asst. Prof. Aşkın Kocabaş

At the conference we organized for Photonics students within the scope of the Faculty of Science Orientation Program, Assist. Prof.  Aşkın Kocabaş from Koç University gave his speech titled “Different Applications of Optics from Biology to Topology” on Thursday, October 5, in the Integrated Research Center meeting hall. Explaining how he brought together the branches of physics and biology thanks to optical techniques in his career journey that inspires students, Dr. Kocabaş shared his current research. At the end of his speech, Dr. Kocabaş answered the students’ questions and gave various advice to the students about their educational lives. We are honored to host Kocabaş and thank him.