NANOTR-17 was held at IZTECH between 27-29 August 2023

The 17th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NANOTR-17) chaired by Prof. Dr. Canan Varlikli from IZTECH-Department of Photonics and Prof. Dr. Cem Celebi from IZTECH-Department of Physics, was held in the D Building of the İZTECH-Engineering Faculty between 27-29 August 2023.
We would like to thank IZTECH Rectorate for giving great support to the realization of the meeting, which included 450 registrations from 18 countries, 310 paper presentations (150 oral and 160 poster presentations) and 1 special workshop. A heartfelt THANK YOU to ARBER Professional Congress Services, GenISys GmbH, Metrohm Turkey Ölçü Aletleri Ticaret ve Servis Hizmetleri A.Ş., NanoSpek, KLA Instruments™ and other participating companies, and to our precious students who are the members of İYTE Optik ve Fotonik Topluluğu (IZTECH OPS) and İZTECH-Physics Society; it would not have been possible to organize this meeting without your participation and support.